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Email: margerykoop@gmail.com

Cell:  204-783-2933

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Margery Koop

I came to making art from a lifelong career in music as a singer,  teacher of singing, choral conductor as well as a fashion designer. My music and design influence permeates my paintings.


The sweep and curve of my brush or palette knife. Precision versus free-flowing. Vibrant colour. Colour always comes to me before a design can even begin to emerge.


My studio is a crossover music and art studio.  When I get stuck in one of my paintings I sit down at the piano and play or sing, the easel facing me. Making music shifts the gears so I can relax and recharge. When I look up and see my work I often have this a-ha moment. I can see clearly what I need to do next.


My paintings are emotional landscapes expressed through vibrant colour and texture, tactile or visual, building my paintings layer upon layer, going to places unimagined. I enjoy using transparent colours, revealing some of the shapes and marks that lie beneath the finished surface.


As a singer I was taught to strive for technical precision but then to let go and pour my heart out. My studio is my happy place where I do just that - play at making art and music.

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